Cabbage roll with mashed potatoes and gravy. Kohlroulade mit Stampfkartoffeln und Bratensauce.

Cabbage rolls – Kohlrouladen

↓Deutsch The stuffed cabbage, although reported in Germany as a typical German dish, is also known by our eastern neighbors in Poland, the Czech Republic, Russia, Hungary and the former…

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Miss Jensen duck with stuffing, Brussels sprouts and potato dumpling. Frl. Jensen Ente mit Füllung, Rosenkohl und Kartoffelknödel.

Duck ala Miss Jensen – Ente ala Fräulein Jensen

[caption id="attachment_8407" align="alignnone" width="1200"] Miss Jensen duck with stuffing, Brussels sprouts and potato dumpling.Frl. Jensen Ente mit Füllung, Rosenkohl und Kartoffelknödel.[/caption] ↓Deutsch The recipe of the „cold“ fried duck Miss…

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Rutabaga stew – Steckrübeneintopf

↓Deutsch Rutabaga unfortunately have a bad reputation in Germany, which still stems from the notorious rutabaga winter 1916/1917 in Germany during the First World War. Even in the first years…

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425 views 21:29 0 Comments

Chili con carne

↓Deutsch Chili con carne is not a Mexican dish, it is much more part of the Tex-Mex cuisine in the southern United States. The ingredients are only meat and chili…

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Calamari with a simple garlic sauce from Greek 10% yogurt, garlic an salt. Calamari mit einer einfachen Knoblauchsauce aus 10%igem griechischen Joghurt, Knoblauch und Salz.

Calamari alla romana

↓Deutsch The recipe is clearly Italian, why every second recipe on the internet places it in Spain is a complete mystery to me. The translation of the name also points…

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