Strawberry punch – Erdbeerbowle

↓Deutsch This is a kind of basic recipe for fruit punch of all kinds. Fruits of the season are marinated in white wine overnight and then infused with sparkling wine.…

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275 views 00:52 0 Comments

White cheese – Weißer Käse

↓Deutsch An essential accompaniment to the Palatinate jacket potatoes is, besides the Hausmacher sausage, the white cheese, which in other German regions is simply called herbal quark/curd cheese. In the…

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305 views 00:18 0 Comments

Spaghetti carbonara

↓Deutsch This it is the original, no cream, no pancetta but Guanciale, the air-dried pork cheek, no Parmesan but Pecorino and fortunately I was able to buy Pecorino romano, which…

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257 views 22:11 0 Comments
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