
↓Deutsch If an ox was slaughtered in earlier times, there accrue naturally tons of meat, which indeed were not allowed to rot. Therefore a conservation option was the Sauerbraten‘. With…

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397 views 12:00 0 Comments
Hanging tender, herb butter, fried potatoes, peas and carrots. Onglet mit Kräuterbutter, gebratenen Drillingen, Erbsen und Möhren.

Onglet – Hanging tender – Nierenzapfen

[caption id="attachment_9015" align="alignnone" width="1200"] Hanging tender, herb butter, fried potatoes, peas and carrots.Onglet mit Kräuterbutter, gebratenen Drillingen, Erbsen und Möhren.[/caption] ↓Deutsch Three names, same cut. Onglet in French, hanging tender…

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111 views 22:57 0 Comments

Beef hammer

↓Deutsch A real men's meal (also suitable for butcher's shop assistants 😎) is the beef hammer. The piece is cut from the boned shank, i.e. the place where the leg…

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280 views 19:56 0 Comments
Ragù from lamb. Ragù aus Lammfleisch.


[caption id="attachment_8883" align="alignnone" width="1200"] Ragù from lamb.Ragù aus Lammfleisch.[/caption] ↓Deutsch Almost all over the world this is known as either ragù bolognese or sauce bolognese, preferably with spaghetti. The Bologna…

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833 views 21:50 0 Comments
Small selection of the Greek plate only with pan gyros and bifteki. Kleine Auswahl des Griechentellers nur mit Pfannengyros und Bifteki.

Greek grill plate – Griechischer Grillteller

[caption id="attachment_8639" align="alignnone" width="1200"] Small selection of the Greek plate only with pan gyros and bifteki.Kleine Auswahl des Griechentellers nur mit Pfannengyros und Bifteki.[/caption] ↓Deutsch This is a typical meal…

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497 views 19:44 0 Comments
Viennese Juicy Goulash with red cabbage and potato dumpling. Wiener Saftgulasch mit Rotkraut und Kartoffelkloß.

Viennese Juicy Goulash – Wiener Saftgulasch

[caption id="attachment_8457" align="alignnone" width="1200"] Viennese Juicy Goulash with red cabbage and potato dumpling.Wiener Saftgulasch mit Rotkraut und Kartoffelkloß.[/caption] ↓Deutsch The term goulash (Gulyás) is originally from Hungary, and was the…

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1018 views 23:04 0 Comments
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