Rice pudding with preserved peach halves. Milchreis mit konservierten Pfirsichhälften.

Simple rice pudding – Einfacher Milchreis

[caption id="attachment_9005" align="alignnone" width="1200"] Rice pudding with preserved peach halves.Milchreis mit konservierten Pfirsichhälften.[/caption] ↓Deutsch You can probably find such a rice pudding anywhere where milk is produced. This is just…

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108 views 21:39 0 Comments

Plum cup – Zwetschgenbecher

↓Deutsch Normally such a simple combination of ingredients is not worth a blog post for me, but the ingredients went together so well that I made an exception. The plums…

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236 views 22:58 0 Comments
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