
↓Deutsch Currywurst is one of the most popular snacks in Germany. The invention was attributed to Herta Heuwer, Berlin 1949. In this time natural casings were rare, so her butcher…

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Salt cake on the left without and on the right with bacon cubes. Salzekuchen links ohne und rechts mit Speckwürfel.

Salt cake – Salzekuchen, Blatz oder Bloaz

[caption id="attachment_9453" align="alignnone" width="1200"] Salt cake on the left without and on the right with bacon cubes.Salzekuchen links ohne und rechts mit Speckwürfel.[/caption] ↓Deutsch This dish is mainly found in…

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644 views 21:30 2 Comments

Himmel und Erde

↓Deutsch The title is an idiom. I really don’t know how to translate it in English. The profane version is sky and soil but I think, heaven and earth are…

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576 views 20:53 0 Comments
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