Skewered fish – Steckerlfisch

↓Deutsch The skewered fish is also a culinary Oktoberfest attraction like the whole roasted ox. For this purpose, a long pit of 20 – 30 cm depth is excavated and…

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359 views 22:11 0 Comments

Oxmouth Salad – Ochsenmaulsalat

↓Deutsch Ox mouth salad is a specialty that is mainly found in southern Germany and formerly in Southern Hesse. At least I know it from the late 1950s/early 1960s, when…

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446 views 21:27 0 Comments

Bavaria burger – Bayernburger

↓Deutsch The title of the dish is of course meant ironically, it has nothing in common with a hamburger. In the end, it's just a pimped-up meat loaf roll, with…

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352 views 20:59 0 Comments
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