Beef cutlet – Rinderschnitzel

↓Deutsch The original recipe comes from my sweetheart. She always bought three beef roulades. Two get stuffed, one divided, breaded and fried like a cutlet Milanese. For years it has…

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283 views 00:44 0 Comments

Sausage salad – Wurstsalat

[caption id="attachment_6515" align="alignnone" width="1200"] Sausage salad with french fries red and white.Wurstsalat mit Pommes rot weiß.[/caption] ↓Deutsch In contrast to "Fleischsalat", sausage salad is only dressed with vinegar and oil…

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314 views 01:44 0 Comments

Fish cakes – Fischfrikadellen

↓Deutsch It has become such a fad that I no longer make something simple like fish cakes homemade, but buy it ready-made from local fish dealers or even from grocery…

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280 views 01:20 0 Comments
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