
↓Deutsch „Käsespätzle“ are a specialty from the Swabian part of Baden-Wurttemberg in Germany. You can buy spaetzle dried or fresh from industrial productions, but homemade spaetzle are a different league.…

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272 views 21:20 0 Comments

IFFA 2022

[caption id="attachment_6187" align="alignnone" width="1200"] Kleiner, handlicher Kutter mit 1,50 m Durchmesser.[/caption] The IFFA, the international butchers trade fair, took place again this year for the first time after at least…

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324 views 20:48 0 Comments

Pasta with/mit Nduja

↓Deutsch The Nduja is a Calabrian spreadable sausage that is filled undried in natural casings and, unusually for Italy, is smoked. A good third of it consists of the origin-protected…

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276 views 21:45 0 Comments

Hot dog

↓Deutsch Hot dogs are, even if you make them at home, really fast food. You roast a bun, warm a sausage, grab it together and decorate with mayonnaise and mustard.…

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448 views 21:55 0 Comments
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