
↓Deutsch „Käsespätzle“ are a specialty from the Swabian part of Baden-Wurttemberg in Germany. You can buy spaetzle dried or fresh from industrial productions, but homemade spaetzle are a different league.…

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270 views 21:20 0 Comments

French menu – Französisches Menü

↓Deutsch The menu sequence is a bit old-fashioned these days, the vegetable course has risen clandestinely in the main course and a separate cheese course and a dessert have meanwhile…

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318 views 01:13 0 Comments


↓Deutsch Spundekäs is one of many cheese preparations which you can find everywhere in Germany and Austria. The best known are the Liptov cheese in Austria and the Obatzte in…

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289 views 21:09 0 Comments

White cheese – Weißer Käse

↓Deutsch An essential accompaniment to the Palatinate jacket potatoes is, besides the Hausmacher sausage, the white cheese, which in other German regions is simply called herbal quark/curd cheese. In the…

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305 views 00:18 0 Comments
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