
↓Deutsch Sarma are commonly translated as Serbian cabbage rolls, but can be found everywhere in the Yugoslavian successor states. In contrast to the cabbage rolls with fresh white cabbage that…

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Cabbage roll with mashed potatoes and gravy. Kohlroulade mit Stampfkartoffeln und Bratensauce.

Cabbage rolls – Kohlrouladen

↓Deutsch The stuffed cabbage, although reported in Germany as a typical German dish, is also known by our eastern neighbors in Poland, the Czech Republic, Russia, Hungary and the former…

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Alternative lid with feta. Alternativer Deckel mit Feta.

Stuffed peppers – Gefüllte Paprika

[caption id="attachment_8278" align="alignnone" width="1200"] Alternative lid with feta.Alternativer Deckel mit Feta.[/caption] ↓Deutsch To stuff vegetables, might have been invented independently anywhere in the world. The present form comes from the…

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