Since I didn't want to save 50 g of dried peas, the whole thing was a little creamier. Da ich nicht noch 50 g Trockenerbsen aufheben wollte, wurde das Ganze etwas sämiger.

German pea pot – Erbseneintopf

[caption id="attachment_8311" align="alignnone" width="1200"] Since I didn't want to save 50 g of dried peas, the whole thing was a little creamier.Da ich nicht noch 50 g Trockenerbsen aufheben wollte,…

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385 views 22:14 0 Comments
Alternative lid with feta. Alternativer Deckel mit Feta.

Stuffed peppers – Gefüllte Paprika

[caption id="attachment_8278" align="alignnone" width="1200"] Alternative lid with feta.Alternativer Deckel mit Feta.[/caption] ↓Deutsch To stuff vegetables, might have been invented independently anywhere in the world. The present form comes from the…

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652 views 22:34 0 Comments
Pumkin soup Kürbissuppe

Pumpkin soup – Kürbissuppe

↓Deutsch Pumpkin is a vegetable that needs for my opinion very strong spices to taste reasonably well. In this case, the main taste comes from Indian curry powder. 2 servings…

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238 views 23:27 0 Comments

St. Martin’s goose – Martinsgans

↓Deutsch At 11th November traditionally there is the St. Martin's goose all over Germany. Since we are only a 2 person household, I usually use goose legs, sometimes stuffed. Searching…

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526 views 22:50 0 Comments
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