Venison goulash – Wildgulasch

↓Deutsch Venison is a typical German winter dish, as in late autumn/early winter, the grace period for game is over. Supposedly the German forests indeed be full of roe, deer…

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305 views 18:25 0 Comments

Wellfleisch mit Sauerkraut

↓Deutsch Wellfleisch comes from wave, the first movement of water just beginning to boil. For many types of sausage, the meat first had to be boiled before it was chopped,…

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231 views 21:26 0 Comments

Pork cheeks – Schweinebäckchen

↓Deutsch In the past, pork cheeks were only sold ready-cooked from the butcher on the day of slaughter. That was then added to the sauerkraut as "Wellfleisch" (The expression comes…

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216 views 23:25 0 Comments


↓Deutsch This is one of the countless Austrian pastries and probably the best known along with the Salzburger Nockerln. This is a pancake that is thick and fluffy thanks to…

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