Salt cake on the left without and on the right with bacon cubes. Salzekuchen links ohne und rechts mit Speckwürfel.

Salt cake – Salzekuchen, Blatz oder Bloaz

[caption id="attachment_9453" align="alignnone" width="1200"] Salt cake on the left without and on the right with bacon cubes.Salzekuchen links ohne und rechts mit Speckwürfel.[/caption] ↓Deutsch This dish is mainly found in…

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644 views 21:30 2 Comments
Red pizza with salami, peperoni and olives. Rote Pizza mit Salami, Peperoni und Oliven.

Simple pizza – Einfache Pizza

[caption id="attachment_8525" align="alignnone" width="1200"] Red pizza with salami, peperoni and olives.Rote Pizza mit Salami, Peperoni und Oliven.[/caption] ↓Deutsch Pizza is a really simple dish, even when you reluctantly handle with…

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364 views 22:53 0 Comments

Onion tart – Zwiebelkuchen

↓Deutsch This is one of the most popular dishes to the new wine – feather white, but of course this tastes to a glass of dry white wine throughout the…

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703 views 21:39 0 Comments

Plum cake – Zwetschgenkuchen

↓Deutsch This is one of countless sheet cakes that are baked throughout the summer with alternating, just ripe fruits. The best known are apple and plum cakes, but also the…

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398 views 16:43 0 Comments

Asparagus pancakes – Spargelpfannkuchen

↓Deutsch This is a variation on the classic ham, asparagus, boiled potatoes with hollandaise sauce. In Baden-Wurttemberg, potatoes are often replaced with "Chratzete", which are torn pancakes. Then why not…

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381 views 22:36 0 Comments
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