Viennese Juicy Goulash with red cabbage and potato dumpling. Wiener Saftgulasch mit Rotkraut und Kartoffelkloß.

Viennese Juicy Goulash – Wiener Saftgulasch

[caption id="attachment_8457" align="alignnone" width="1200"] Viennese Juicy Goulash with red cabbage and potato dumpling.Wiener Saftgulasch mit Rotkraut und Kartoffelkloß.[/caption] ↓Deutsch The term goulash (Gulyás) is originally from Hungary, and was the…

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1019 views 23:04 0 Comments


↓Deutsch This is one of the countless Austrian pastries and probably the best known along with the Salzburger Nockerln. This is a pancake that is thick and fluffy thanks to…

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224 views 22:02 0 Comments
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