Leipziger Allerlei

↓Deutsch The Leipziger Allerlei is an old classic and was probably part of the original Saxon (court) cuisine. With the right ingredients, this is a very tasty vegetable dish with…

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118 views 21:00 0 Comments

Chili beans – Chilibohnen

↓Deutsch My chili beans are somewhat similar to the baked beans. Baked beans, in their simplest form, are white beans in tomato sauce. On the other hand, if you take…

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276 views 21:16 0 Comments
Liver dumplings as part of the Palatinate trinity. Leberknödel als Teil der Pfälzer Dreieinigkeit.

Palatinate plate – Pfälzer Teller

↓Deutsch In this Palatinate specialty I know from my childhood only the individual components in conjunction with sauerkraut and optionally fried potatoes, boiled potatoes or mashed potatoes. Palatinates like to…

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465 views 23:33 0 Comments
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