
↓Deutsch Spundekäs is one of many cheese preparations which you can find everywhere in Germany and Austria. The best known are the Liptov cheese in Austria and the Obatzte in…

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290 views 21:09 0 Comments

Noodle salad – Nudelsalat

↓Deutsch As an alternative to the always present potato salad in the early 1970s came the noodle salad with at least so many variants as the potato salad. With vegetables…

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287 views 18:33 0 Comments

BBQ Sauce

[caption id="attachment_2433" align="alignnone" width="1200"] Spareribs mit Nudelsalat, hier meiner nur mit Öl.[/caption] ↓Deutsch 3 - 4 servings Ingredients: 1 onion 1 tablespoon brown sugar 1 tablespoon olive oil 3 tablespoons…

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323 views 14:44 0 Comments


↓Deutsch Spareribs are a wonderful nibble, which unfortunately too often even ends up in Germany in the sauerkraut or even in the waste. In this case it’s actually a real…

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291 views 16:56 0 Comments
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