Hunter schnitzel breaded, Jägerschnitzel paniert.

Hunter schnitzel – Jägerschnitzel

[caption id="attachment_8598" align="alignnone" width="1200"] Hunter schnitzel breaded,Jägerschnitzel paniert.[/caption] ↓Deutsch A hunter's schnitzel in Germany is usually a pork schnitzel from the upper, lower shell, back or neck. When breading, the…

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518 views 23:14 0 Comments

Cauliflower casserole – Blumenkohlauflauf

↓Deutsch This is not a traditional German dish, because of the from the French-Italian kitchen coming bechamel sauce. The casserole itself carries but still typical German characteristics. Cauliflower and Brussels…

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686 views 21:16 0 Comments

Lamb shank – Lammhaxe

↓Deutsch This is not the leg of lamb, but rather the cone-shaped pieces between the leg and feet. The preparation is very similar to my various beef roast gravies. A…

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152 views 00:17 0 Comments

Gravad lax classic – Gravad lax klassisch

[caption id="attachment_8535" align="alignnone" width="1200"] Salmon trout, same procedure like salmon.Lachsforelle, gleiche Prozedur wie Lachs.[/caption] ↓Deutsch This salmon is classic because only salt, sugar and dill are used for the marinade.…

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446 views 22:06 0 Comments
Liver dumplings as part of the Palatinate trinity. Leberknödel als Teil der Pfälzer Dreieinigkeit.

Palatinate plate – Pfälzer Teller

↓Deutsch In this Palatinate specialty I know from my childhood only the individual components in conjunction with sauerkraut and optionally fried potatoes, boiled potatoes or mashed potatoes. Palatinates like to…

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465 views 23:33 0 Comments
Red pizza with salami, peperoni and olives. Rote Pizza mit Salami, Peperoni und Oliven.

Simple pizza – Einfache Pizza

[caption id="attachment_8525" align="alignnone" width="1200"] Red pizza with salami, peperoni and olives.Rote Pizza mit Salami, Peperoni und Oliven.[/caption] ↓Deutsch Pizza is a really simple dish, even when you reluctantly handle with…

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364 views 22:53 0 Comments
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